Gothic Slut � Feb. 23, 2002
I Feel Currently

I dyed my hair golden blonde today. It's sort of a strawberry blonde type look and I must say, I like it. I really do. I am sitting here waiting for Rick to get back into town so I can go over his place. I have had numerous offers as to my pending plans this evening, but I opted for the casual sex option. It is not definite, but I can certainly make it. I originally planned on going out with Jada, my psuedo-gothic old friend that now goes to another school, so I decided to dress the part. I look like a gothic slut. But, I must say, I make one damn pretty gothic slut. I don't do the whole dark lip thing though. I use my normal lip color (I wear a medium brownish lipgloss) but the rest of me is completely changed. I like how I look right now. I look like the old me. [side note: my fire alarm just went on and then off again. I wonder what is wrong. Oh well.] I like looking like the old me. I am more comfortable like this. If you haven't been able to notice, I am returning to my old self. I am tired of being saccharine sweet and overly polite. I am tired of looking, acting, thinking preppy. I am tired of the stereotype that I have become. Maybe if I were more like my old self, Chris would have stayed with me. But oh well, that's the past and I don't dwell on that anymore. I am different now. I have changed and I am happy.


I am not sure if I mentioned it in another entry, but I was accepted to Indiana University of Pennsylvania on Thursday. That makes me happy too. Now, should I call Rick or wait for him to call? I am getting kind of annoyed, but when he called me, he was out eating dinner. Hmm.. decisions decisions. I could always call Jada back. Or Steve. He still wants to do something. Oh well, who cares. I will do something tonight and that is all that matters.


I have been having the strangest dreams lately. A few nights ago, I had a dream that Chris emailed me and wanted to be back with me. I don't remember what I did, but most likely, I went back with him. I remember being so happy in that dream. I have had a few strange ones these past few days, but none of them are significant enough to write about. I am not sure if it's just stress, or subconscious thoughts, or fears or what, but all I know is that they have been completely off the wall.


It's time for the open part of my diary for today. What is my biggest fear? My biggest fear is definitely the fear of being a disappointment. I am always terrified to let anyone down and that is what I have strived not to do for my entire life. That is why I do so many things and why I worry so much about school and everything. I always want to make people proud. I don't even know where this fear comes from, but it is here and it is strong. Very strong. My other fear is death. I am terrified to die and I know that it is going to happen someday. I am just very afraid that no one will remember me when I am gone. Maybe these are silly fears, but well.. they are my fears.

If you haven't been able to tell yet, this is going to be a daily thing for me. I am going to answer questions that I never have before. If you want to ask me something, simply click on the form and I will answer the question in my diary, if it is appropriate. But pretty much everything asked to me will get answered because I am a very open person. So, bring on the questions. Until people start asking questions, I will continue to make up my own personal things that people don't know about me. I am not really that creative of a person, so start asking what you want to know. Bring it on!

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew