Hooked on Phonics for Dummies � 07.24.03
I Feel Currently

You know, this just goes to show how much I read my guestbook lately. I was browsing through it because Alex mentioned to me earlier that someone was trashing him in my guestbook so I decided to go and see what was said. I would now like to refer to entry 169, which has apparently been there for quite some time.

name: someone you otta know
Cryssi, Cryssi, Cryssi! i see your still planning on marrying a guy who u barely know and never see. amazing that after brain surgery, he's still with you, (its a joke). well just wanted to say hi and take care of your self. and you better stop fingering your self, it could cuz vaginal diseases. write back
date: 7:39 pm - Saturday,July 5, 2003

Wow how insightful is this? Okay you told me to write back so I think I will. Just who do you think you are to have the right to tell me who I should and should not marry? You don't know the circumstances, you don't know everything that goes on with us, and you don't know me. You say I "otta know" you, but from the looks of your IP address, I don't know you. I've never seen the address before in my life. And besides, no one I associate with has that terrible of spelling. Where were you born? "Otta"? Christ get some Hooked on Phonics for Dummies. If you tell me who you are I'll buy it for you for Christmas. Now back to your lovely post in my guestbook that took me a month to discover because I stopped caring what people said in my guestbook a long time ago (no offense to anyone who says nice things in my guestbook! You just stop looking after you have so many people trash you.). Stop fingering myself? Here's a newsflash. If you've seen me, you would know that I don't have to do that. If I really needed it that bad I could walk up to someone I thought was attractive and say touch me. It's not that hard. But then again I suppose it would be for the aesthetically challenged. But, I don't need it that badly. I am perfectly happy waiting until I see Alex. I don't ever have any need to cheat on him, nor will I ever. When you love someone, that sort of trivial thing does not matter, but you apparently don't know much about how love works. Here's another newsflash - you cannot control who you love. I never asked to fall in love with Alex but I don't regret it for a second. You can never control who you love. That's just the way it works. If you could, there wouldn't be as many divorces and unhappy couples in the world, now would there? Oh and just a little tip - cuz is the slang abbreviation for cause, the abbreviation for because. The form you were referring to has no abbreviation because it's used in the form of to make something happen. So again, I repeat, get Hooked on Phonics for Dummies. Thank you and have a nice day!

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew