Ignorant Children � September 12, 2002
I Feel Currently

I so love when children decide to blast me in my guestbook. And I do mean children. I have already deleted that entry because frankly it does not need to be in there, but let me clear a few things up for this person who obviously has nothing better to do then try to make people feel like shit by blasting them in their personal guestbooks.

1.) You do not know me. Do not judge me. I am not perfect and I know this. My personal decisions are mine and mine alone. Who are you to tell me what is wrong and what is right? And you have no right to even bring up my relationship with Adam let alone try to mock the feelings that I have for him.

2.) I dress rather conservatively thank you. And I don't consider myself fat considering that I weigh 125 lbs. How that is considered fat, when I am under weight is beyond me but obviously you have a terrible self image and you need to get a life. You have no right to try to make others feel bad because you have your own personal insecurities.

3.) I have plenty of friends thank you. I wish I had less to be honest because then I would be able to devote more of my time to them, instead of feeling like I am constantly ignoring everyone.

4.) If you have a problem with what I write in my diary, stop reading it. My diary is not here for your own personal amusement. Do not complain to me about what I write, or trash me in my guestbook, notes, message board, et cetera. I don't need to hear it nor do I care. Now you are probably wondering why I am addressing this issue to begin with instead of just blatantly ignoring your childishness but frankly it amuses the hell out of me that someone seriously has that much time on their hands that they would resort to trashing people in their guestbooks to amuse themselves.

5.)If you are going to trash me in my guestbook at least have enough balls to leave a name and an email address. Come on! Grow some fucking guts you child.

So anyways, with that said, I have basically cut things off with Shaun. I spent about 40 minutes in his room and then I told him that I was busy and I had to go. I haven't totally cut contact with him. I don't think I will. He is a good friend. At least he listens to my bitching. And of course I am there to listen to his.. he seems to hate the world right now. I can't imagine why..

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew