A Kid Again � 02.05.03
I Feel Currently

The Big/Little meeting thing went all right. I was there late because I had office hours for RHC so I didn't really get to talk to the girls that much. I will know who my Little is tomorrow night. Then we have a mixer with Delta Sigs. No one expects it to be much fun at all. I really shouldn't be up this late considering I have an 8am tomorrow but I don't care really. I didn't go to Pi Lam with Brian tonight because I am tired and I am getting sick. It's not a good feeling. I can't get sick. I know I will miss a shit load of classes and I can't be doing that. I already know I can't do that. Especially with my course load right now. And it won't even be the fact that I am too sick to go to class. If I have the sniffles I don't want to go to class. I have already missed too much class as it is (which really isn't that much but right now missing any class is too much for me.) and I can't afford to miss anymore. I need to have my adult wheels kick in and get my ass moving. It's just so hard. I hate having to be an adult sometimes. I mean why can't we all just be kids for the rest of our lives? It was so nice when I was a kid. I didn't have a care in the world. All we had to worry about was if we were going to get picked for kickball and what Mom was making for dinner. Everyone went home when the street lights came on and it wasn't so hard to get up in the morning. When you were a kid you didn't care if the neighbor kids liked you, because normally they did. You were kids. Kids always got along. It didn't matter if you were of a different gender or race. None of that mattered. You were kids and all you had to do was go outside and play. It was okay to float crayons down the side of the road when it rained and it was actually fun to play in the snow. When it did snow you prayed that school was canceled so you could play all day. You didn't have to work and you didn't have to listen to boring lectures. You didn't have to make time to eat because your mother always had certain times that you would eat meals. You didn't think about violence and hatred. You thought about Christmas and birthdays. It would be nice to be a kid again. It really would. I want to be a kid again.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew