Balls � 06.20.03
I Feel Currently

desiredpain02: Alex sounds like a real ass
Auto response from MystOfTwillight: May 20, 2006 - Alex's & Cryssi's wedding - Be there.
MystOfTwillight: excuse me? Do I know you?
desiredpain02: No
MystOfTwillight: then where do you get off criticizing my fiance?
desiredpain02: You criticized him first
MystOfTwillight: When on earth do you think that I did that?
desiredpain02: Yesterday
MystOfTwillight: in my diary entry?
desiredpain02: That'd be the one
desiredpain02: I was just saying he sounds like an ass
MystOfTwillight: That entry was obviously taken out of context. He and I have discussed both my entry and his entries and we have things straightened out. There was a miscommunication between the two of us and we talked about it. Now everything is fine. But, mind you, you have no right to tell me that my fiance is an ass. Who do you think you are? Honestly! You think because you read someone's journal on the internet that you know them well enough to make judgement on who they have chosen to spend the rest of their life with? That's ridiculous. You obviously haven't read my disclaimer.
desiredpain02: Alex still sounds like a loser

desiredpain02: A pretentious jerk is a better way of saying it
desiredpain02: I'd tell him that myself
MystOfTwillight: Why do you think that? Alex is the most amazing man I've ever met in my entire life. He's kind, compassionate, caring, loving, generous, selfless, talented, funny, attractive... he's everything I've ever wanted in a man and now I have that. You don't know him! How DARE you say that about him?
desiredpain02: Did you look at what you said?
MystOfTwillight: Yes, I'm well aware of what I said.
MystOfTwillight: I don't see anything wrong with what I said
desiredpain02: I've made up my mind
MystOfTwillight: Pardon me?
desiredpain02: He is an ass
MystOfTwillight: You still haven't given me a logical explanation as to why you think that.
desiredpain02: Alex
desiredpain02: Does Alex talk online?
MystOfTwillight: yes I'm talking to him right now because he's in the hospital back home currently
desiredpain02: Why is he in the hospital
MystOfTwillight: because he had brain surgery
MystOfTwillight: as if it's any of your business
desiredpain02: Damn
MystOfTwillight: What?
desiredpain02: Is he okay?
desiredpain02: That's serious shit
MystOfTwillight: He's fine, not like you would care or anything.
desiredpain02: I don't wish harm on him or anything
MystOfTwillight: Yes I know that. So if you didn't know that, it's also obvious to me that you haven't read much of my journal because if you had, you would have known that already. So, not only are you a random person who felt the need to tell me that my ill fiance is an ass, you are some random person who has only read ONE OR TWO entries at MOST of my journal who felt the need to tell me that my ill fiance is an ass.
MystOfTwillight: It's people like you who make me wonder if writing in my journal is even worth it anymore....
desiredpain02: I just thought I was agreeing with you
MystOfTwillight: No, because if you have read my previous entries you would realize that I am absolutely crazy about him. One or two bad days is no indication of a person's character.
desiredpain02: I want to read his
MystOfTwillight: Well that's too bad because I don't release the address of his journal
desiredpain02: Okay
MystOfTwillight: hence why I never link him in mine like I do with everyone else.
desiredpain02: Might I ask why
MystOfTwillight: because it is my decision to have my diary as a public thing and if he wanted me to link his diary he would have told me so
desiredpain02: I clicked Alex
desiredpain02: Is that Alex?
desiredpain02: He's hot
MystOfTwillight: wait what did you click?
MystOfTwillight: oh
MystOfTwillight: that's not his journal
MystOfTwillight: that's a webpage I made for him
MystOfTwillight: and yes that is him
desiredpain02: Nice looking man
MystOfTwillight: and yes, I am well aware that he's hot. I am his fiance you know....
desiredpain02: I had never seen him
MystOfTwillight: well somehow I doubt you've ever seen me either...
desiredpain02: He's got it
MystOfTwillight: he's got what?
desiredpain02: Looks definitely
MystOfTwillight: well yes, you thought I was lying?
desiredpain02: No
MystOfTwillight: are you still looking at that site?
desiredpain02: No
MystOfTwillight: he's not an ass... it's not a very polite thing to judge someone before you know them....
desiredpain02: Okay
desiredpain02: He is very cute, I bet you have fun with that one
MystOfTwillight: now may I ask who you are and how you found my diary?
MystOfTwillight: What kind of fun are you referring to?
desiredpain02: Never mind
desiredpain02: Jessica
MystOfTwillight: No.... I'd love to know what you are referring to...
desiredpain02: Not that hard
MystOfTwillight: Pardon?
MystOfTwillight: if you are referring to sex, you are quite wrong. Alex and I do not have sex. We don't veiw it as that big of a deal.
desiredpain02: mean.....
MystOfTwillight: I mean what?
desiredpain02: Nothing, I don't want to judge anyone or assume things
MystOfTwillight: Granted, I am used to having sex but it's not that big of a deal to me...
MystOfTwillight: when the time is right, it will happen.
desiredpain02: How could someone not want to have sex with him?
MystOfTwillight: Oh I do. But you see, there's a certain time and place for that sort of thing to occur. When he is ready... when we both feel that the time is right, it will happen.
MystOfTwillight: I suppose that is one of the reasons why he is with me. I'm not like every other woman who has blatantly thrown themselves at him. I understand and respect his wishes.
desiredpain02: What are his wishes?
MystOfTwillight: I don't believe that by now the situation is that difficult to figure out Jessica...
desiredpain02: Waiting until marriage?
desiredpain02: Don't even tell me he's a virgin, he is not a virgin
desiredpain02: There is no way
MystOfTwillight: Not necessarily. We've discussed that and it is quite apparent to me that he doesn't intend on waiting until we are married, considering that we are going to be getting married in 35 months. And yes, he is a virgin.
desiredpain02: There's no way he can be a virgin
MystOfTwillight: Yes, there is Jessica. He has very firm beliefs that he is waiting until he finds someone that he is completely in love with and with someone who feels the same. That has occurred and when we feel the time is right, it will happen. But for now, we are both waiting.
desiredpain02: Explain to me how Alex, that guy I just saw in that picture has never had sex
desiredpain02: How old is he??
MystOfTwillight: He's 22. And the answer to that is simple. He sticks to his convictions.
desiredpain02: Convictions??
MystOfTwillight: He was originally waiting for marriage. Now he isn't. MystOfTwillight: because he knows he's going to marry me
desiredpain02: I'm surprised
desiredpain02: Do you honestly believe he is a virgin?
MystOfTwillight: Yes
MystOfTwillight: I know he is.
desiredpain02: That's bizzare
MystOfTwillight: Why do you say that? I don't think it's bizzare at all.
desiredpain02: Just surprised that he would not have lost his virginity by now. He apparently went through high school and college I assume
MystOfTwillight: Yes. And I told you. He's had women throw themselves at him before. More times than I really appreciate but well that happens. But he knew what he wanted and he stuck to his convictions.
MystOfTwillight: I don't see what's so hard to believe about it.
desiredpain02: I believe it

What is it about my journal that random people feel the right to criticize me? Or even better - criticize my fiance! Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that? Alex and I are getting married in 35 months. May 20, 2006. After I am out of school. Yes, I'm getting married. So anyways, I just wanted to simply post this wonderful conversation in here because the whole idea of it seems strange to me that someone would have the balls to even tell me that.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew