Damn This Paranoia � 02.27.03
I Feel Currently

We have a toga Mixer with KDR tonight. That is going to be a blast. I am going to look so cute in my toga.


Brian left today at 4:30. I got to see him for like 2 minutes before he left because he was busy all day today. I actually went to the lengths in my sleep to pull my alarm clocks out of the wall socket in my sleep instead of just shutting them off in my sleep like I normally do when I sleep in. That kind of freaked me out when I finally woke up. We aren't going to have any contact at all over break. I don't think he has access to a computer at his mother's house in Virgina and I asked if I discussed calling one another and he just kind of blew that discussion off. This only leads me to believe that he doesn't want to talk to me at all over break. That is kind of disturbing. You would think that my boyfriend would like to talk to me over break considering we won't see each other for 10 days. This just seems a bit suspicious to me. Damn this paranoia!


I've noticed that a lot of people who read my diary have been instant messaging me lately. I think it's kind of cool that people are finally starting to talk to me. I mean Christ, I've been writing online for almost two years now. It's about damn time that people start responding to what I am writing. Keep it up guys. I love to talk to new people!


I am almost ready for my mixer and I have a shit load of time left. I shouldn't have gotten ready so early but oh well that happens. I will just play the Sims for a while. Yes, I got the Sims back. I still can't find my CD of it but Eric's roommate Chris was very very nice to me and downloaded it off of some server for me. I was very excited. And now I am addicted yet again. It's like a drug. I like just making them do stuff. I'm sick. I really am.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew