Dryer Lint & Dust Bunnies � Apr. 25, 2002
I Feel Currently

I don't like being neglected by my boyfriend. I have decided that. I have been through this before and I am not about to deal with it all over again. Last time it didn't turn out too well. So, why am I being neglected? Well gee, my boyfriend just keeps finding reasons not to call, or why he can't stay and talk, or why he didn't answer my text message.. yada yada yada. Maybe I am overreacting, but this is the same shit that has been pulled on me numerous times before and my mind is throwing out red flags everywhere. Perhaps he does have valid reasons, but you can't tell my mind that. My mind, who is constantly on guard now. Nope, definitely not. So is it possible that he has valid reasons? Very. Do I care? Not in the least. I just don't like being blown off. I throw my heart and soul out to someone and get pushed aside like a piece of dryer lint. I don't like being dryer lint. First off, I am allergic to dryer lint. Second, I don't like to be something that collects in the bottom of your dryer until you have enough sense to realize that it could be a fire trap if enough accumulates, only to then be scooped out in a heap and thrown into the garbage. Garbage has never really been my thing. And I don't like dryer lint.

I just wish that he would take some time, call me, and actually talk to me, instead of sitting and listening to me ramble on about nothing. Why do I ramble? Because he won't talk to me and I want him to feel that his phonecall was worth it, and that I am not boring. Well, I am boring, but that is just because I am treated like dryer lint. Dryer lint is boring. Face it.

I am dryer lint.

That felt kind of good. Admitting that I am basically worth nothing to anyone. *shrugs* I just don't like silence, and he won't talk, thus creating silence, so I ramble. Maybe we are experiencing communication problems. I hate communication problems. They are never a good thing. Never a good sign. Maybe I should stop acting like dryer lint, because dryer lint can't talk. It isn't even alive.. now if I were at least a dust bunny, then maybe I could be considered alive. They can at least reproduce. Dryer lint just kind of forms. Yes, I definitely think that our communication problems would be solved if I were a dust bunny instead of dryer lint.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew