Exhausted � 01.02.03
I Feel Currently

Joe and Kim came over and we all got stoned. I started drinking again. Yeah that was fun. So I was a zombie for a good couple of hours, adding onto the sleep deprivation and the cramps from my period. Then I went to Eat-n-Park with Jada and Tarah. I wasn complaining that I wanted a milkshake so we went there and Jada bought me a chocolate milkshake which really made my PMSing ass happy. After that fiasco we went to Thayne and Sean's house because they wanted to see me. Sean was not modest about the fact that he definitely wants on me. He gave me a back massage and played with my hair for like an hour so I guess it wasn't so bad having him hit on me. I knew that he liked me even when he was dating Holly. That wasn't a secret to anyone. Now that we are both single, I guess he figures that I am fair game. I am going over there tomorrow night after choir practice. He wanted me to stay tonight but I didn't feel good and I just wanted to come home. I need my own bed tonight, although he does have a rather comfortable bed. Maybe I can get another back massage tomorrow night. I almost fell asleep when he was playing with my hair but it was nice. It really was. I like when guys smother me with attention. Especially when I am single. It makes me smile. Anyways, this entry is very boring, pointless, and makes no sense what so ever because I am exhausted and I was drinking when I was over there so I should probably just shut up. I still haven't retold the details of last night but I can do that later when I am making sense and not making sentences into paragraphs. I just felt like writing for a bit while I smoked my cigarette. It's official. I am exhausted.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew