Greetings From New York � 01.03.03
I Feel Currently

You know? I am really glad I decided to keep writing in my diary. Incredibly glad. A guy who found my diary instant messaged me last night. He seemed pretty cool so I started talking to him. He called me after talking for a while and we talked for two hours. Anyone who spends two hours on a long distance phone call when they have to get up four hours afterward to go to work deserves my attention. He lives in New York, if you are wondering and his name is Tony. He's 24 and is a teacher. To be perfectly frank, I was captivated with him. I can't even figure out why. I've been asking myself that all day now. I am honestly considering taking a trip to New York just so I can see what he is like. Now I know that might not be the best idea in the world and certainly not the safest, but I am not saying that I am going to leave tonight or anything. I am just saying that I am interested. And all of this interest just because some random guy found my diary and decided to instant message me. I so love when people contact me. It's a great feeling. Even though I write for myself, it's still nice to know that other people enjoy my diary.


I am going to a party with Jada, Tarah, and Tara tonight. Yes, two different girls, same name. I have so many friends that have double names it's not even funny. I just wish that Jada would tell me what time we are leaving so I can get ready. I want to look cute tonight. I haven't felt cute in a while. I definitely need to feel cute tonight. I might paint my nails or something. I don't know. I will do something to make myself feel pretty tonight. Now if only I could figure out what I am going to wear. I don't have anything suitable for a party at home. It's all up at school. Damnit, I knew I should have brought some of that stuff home. I will figure out something and make it work for me. Sooner or later. So that's what I am going to do. That and exercise.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew