Get Out of Jail Free � Mar. 19, 2002
I Feel Currently

You seem to talk about Matt a lot now. What is going on with you two?

Mmmkay. I didn't know that it was that noticible, but apparently it is. So, where should I start with this one? Okay, I don't really know what is going on with us, but do I like him? Yes, I do. Very much so to be honest. I am not sure if he feels the same way, but maybe he does. This past week, he sent me one email telling me that he missed me, and another telling me that he missed holding me in his arms. My initial reaction to both of them was "awww". It was just a nice feeling to get an email like that. Especially from someone that I liked a while back, but never had the guts to mention anything to them. Do I want something to start with Matt and me? Yes, of course I do! Would it be hard because he goes to school two hours away from me? Yes. I am aware of that and I believe that I can handle that. I am a strong person when it comes to long distance relationships. I am not sure if he is though. I will have to find out that one, casually of course. I think that surfices for an answer!


Honestly, I am not sure what to talk about. I only have two days of school left this week because I am going to visit IUP on Friday. Next week, I only have three days of school because Easter break starts and the week after I only have three days of school because we don't go back until that Wednesday. That will be very nice. I can get my new layout done, I can catch up on reviews, and I can start my review site. This site is not going to review layouts or diaries at all. It is not going to review actual review sites. There is a twist to my site. I am going to review the reviewers themselves. Hopefully, my friends at Naked Reviews will allow me to review them first to kick off the whole process. That would be nice. I am not sure if I am just going to review people randomly or if I am going to allow them to request. I haven't decided yet. I will have a link in here soon. By the way, I still don't have any ideas for my new layout. Maybe a light blue, purple, and white mixture. That would be nice and springy.


My 18th birthday is in 7 days. Am I excited? Hell yes I am! It will be nice to finally be considered an adult. I just wanted to put that in there for sentimental reasons. There wasn't really a point to me announcing my birthday but well, you get the point.


I really wish that I had something interesting to write about, but I don't. I am not going to sit here and ramble about nothing, just so I can have an entry, even though that seems to be what I have been doing for the last 10 minutes or so. I was just getting hate mail and what not because I hadn't updated in a while, because I forgot to state, until earlier this afternoon, that I was busy and didn't have a chance to write. So, I guess that this is all for this entry because I have absolutely nothing to write about, other than Matt, and that bores people, so I will spare you that pain this time. You only get one Get Out of Jail Free card and you just used it buddy! Next time it's free game. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew