I Hate Home � 12.21.02
I Feel Currently

It is very hard to quit doing drugs and quit smoking when you have a moron for a brother. I will get into the details of why I am quitting in a few moments, after I rant for a bit.


First off, my friend who is bulemic passes out in my yard. All is fine and dandy and I took care of her. I didn't mind it at all. So then after that stress has been lifted slightly, I came upstairs to do some work on the computer and the phone rings downstairs. Now my father is a raving lunatic and unpluggs the phone that is in the computer room from down stairs so he doesn't hear it ring and I screamed for my brother to answer it. He doesn't answer it because it says Ohio. Well yeah no shit it says Ohio because it was Dan's cellphone. Dan, who I really needed to talk to right now. Dan, who goes to school in Ohio. Dan, who I am extremely interested in right now. But God damn my fucking brother. I just want to kill his drunk, pot head ass right now. I apologize for the vulgarity and harshness of this entry but I am really really pissed and I know that even this isn't going to make my night any better now.


So why am I quitting smoking and doing drugs? Dan. He doesn't approve and really wants me to quit so I am going to. Or at least make an attempt at it. And I was doing really really good too. Until my brother pissed me off beyond belief. Smoking was all I could do to keep myself from killing him in his sleep. I am starting to wonder why I came home for the holidays. I've only been miserable while I was here and I am beginning to think that I would have been much happier if I would have stayed in Indiana. In fact I know I would have been more happy. I wouldn't have to deal with my moronic brother and I wouldn't have to deal with the rest of my family. I hate it here. I hate home.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew