Just Bite Me � 01.19.03
I Feel Currently

I was right yesterday. Gaza did hit on me. Then the stupid fuck did two 1 minute long keg stands in a row and attempted to pick me up. Now I am not that heavy but when someone is hammered off their ass, the chance of them picking up a feather is slim and none. So, needless to say, I got dropped on my head once again. This seems to be a trend. Drunk guys dropping me on my head. After that Jada and Brian decided to take me home for fear that I had a concussion. I don't think I have one, although I did sleep all day today and then some. I went out with Jada, Tara, Dan, Damien, Ryan, Woody, Jen, Jenny, Luke, Jim, some quiet guy who I don't know, Christa, Christa's boyfriend & Heather tonight. We went to Hooter's because it was Tara's birthday and she likes their wings, and then we went cosmic bowling. Ryan got trashed and hit on me once again, which I never seem to enjoy. Let me figure out why. Oh I know! He's an idiot! I have to leave fairly early today to go back to school so I made them bring me home about half an hour ago.

I would just like to say that I royally suck at bowling. My best game tonight was a 100. My finger kept getting stuck in the freaking hole! And one time, the ball flew backwards, taking my middle finger with it and practically paralyzing it for half an hour. It really really sucked. Although I was the best out of all the girls that were with us and a few of the guys so I guess I didn't do as bad as I thought.


One of Tony's female friends read my diary and told him I was a stalker. I took that offensively because I would know if I were stalking him or not and I am definitely not the stalker type. I honestly don't believe that I wrote anything in here that would be stalker oriented anyway so she can bite me. Pardon me for being interested in someone and having enough balls to make it public. I say the things that people are thinking but are too afraid to open their mouths about. I can't bite my tongue about things. It's not my nature and never will be. So, if you have a problem with the way I think or you think I am insane, that's absolutely wonderful. You can bite me and stop reading. Personally I don't care if people continue to read my diary. It's mine and I write for me. I will write whatever I want, no matter what people think. This is why I have a mother fucking disclaimer. It's about time people start reading it. I swear that I waste my energy typing some things out at times because I didn't write the disclaimer for me. I wrote it because I knew people would read my diary and that someone would say something. Now's the perfect opportunity to read my disclaimer Miss "I Think You Are A Stalker". Ooh look I am starting to name people again. Fun!


Since I completely blew off my diet this weekend I think I am going to go and get another beer out of my fridge and eat an egg roll. Oh yeah, that sounds nice.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew