Normal Sucks � 02.21.03
I Feel Currently

This has just been one of those days that you want to look at the sky and ask it to fall on you. It has just been one of those days. I have determined that I have felt so shitty for such a long while because I fucked with my birth control last month. Because I missed a few this month, it fucked it up again. I just want my system to be normal again. Damn this birth control! I swear it causes more problems than it prevents sometimes.


I have decided that I am definitely staying in tonight. I have too much shit to get done and I want to be able to relax tomorrow. I am working at Morgan's water polo tournament tomorrow afternoon and then I have the date party tomorrow night. I think it will be fun. We are going to Jared's after we all go bowling so I can pretty much be assured that I am going to be trashed tomorrow night. Brian said that he isn't going to let me get that drunk but we will see what happens. Speaking of Brian I realized that we haven't had sex in like four days. That's pretty long for us. He's staying over tonight so we are probably going to have sex tonight. I don't know if I am really in the mood for sex though. I just kind of want to cuddle. Yes, I do believe that is what I want to do. That will be nice. Chances are though, we will probably end up having sex. But, no anal sex! No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Can you tell I am never going to do that again? I would have to be drunk enough that I can't feel the lower half of my body to ever do that, but I am sure that I will feel it in the morning if I did manage to get that drunk. Why am I even discussing this? I've been coming out with the strangest things lately. Why can't my life just be normal? Wait, normal sucks.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew