Not in the Mood � 01.13.03
I Feel Currently

Ahh the first day of classes. Let the hecticness begin. I have a lot of crap to do this week and no clue how it's all getting done. I will manage though. I went to bed fairly early last night. I was impressed with myself. Is that happening tonight? Probably not but oh well. My classes are okay so far that I can see. I have to get up at 6am for my 8am College Writing class tomorrow and that thought makes me want to cry. But oh well it happens. I am done with class by 11:15 tomorrow so I can just come back and go to sleep. Then I have to go and look for a job. Fun fun. No really. It's fun, I swear. (Note: Anyone who thinks that I am serious needs to take a reality check for a minute, look back into my archives, and see just how much I hate work.) Oh well I need the money so it's something I have to do. I did my Psychology homework today so at least I got that out of the way. I still have a bunch of shit to do for my RA class but that isn't due until next week.


I had the sorority meeting that never ended tonight, I swear. It was close to two hours long. That's okay, we got things done. I think thing this semester are going to go rather well. We have a good group of women in charge now and I think we are going to survive somehow.


I really want to stay up and watch some television considering the fact that I didn't really get to relax much today but I really need to go to bed. I was going to get a shower but I realized that it's almost midnight right now and I will never sleep if I take one right now. I just have to get up extra early in the morning to do that. That is going to suck. I also didn't get to finish unpacking. Another sucky thing. I am not really in the mood to write right now so I am just going to go to bed.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew