Numbers Numbers � Feb. 28, 2002
I Feel Currently

Just how many boyfriends have you had?

Oh goodness. Should I even answer this? I mean honestly, it makes me look like a slut. Okay the exact number is close to around 70. I was asked to count about two years ago and that is where I stopped counting. Do I remember all of their names? Mostly. Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I look like a slut. But, I am not. I have only slept with one person. My last boyfriend. For a long long time, I was one of those "on again - off again" girlfriends. I would continually break up with people because 1.) I was afraid to get hurt and 2.) I was afraid to lose them. It's weird reasoning, yes, I know, but well that's how nuts I was. I am not really sure why I don't keep boyfriends around for very long. Maybe it is because I am too afraid to get close to someone. I mean, look what happens when I do. I get burned. Very very badly. We're talking scarred for life here. Maybe that's the reason. Maybe it's not. Maybe I will never know, but all I know is that now, I am ready to settle down. And yes, I know that many people think that I am too young to be thinking this way, hell even I think I am too young to be thinking this way. But, the catch is, my mind is too old for my physical years now.. it's gotten bad. I mean, here I am, at the end of my Senior year, and I am ready to settle down. Security? No. Happiness. *shrugs* I am not in the mood to be open right now.


I apologize for not writing in about three days. I have spent every moment of my online time doing the March layout for Naked Reviews. It's done so, yay me. Except that this afternoon, someone messed up my coding and now the previous and next buttons, which used to be shamrocks, got messed up. So, I worked on it for an hour, still couldn't figure out the problem, and then gave up and changed them to text links. I will fix it later. Right now, I am tired and I need to sleep. I haven't slept well in three days. It's off to dream land. I will write about my day of being blind (today at school) tomorrow when I get a chance to get online. Merry part.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew