Nuclear Waste Haven & More Fun Stuff! � July 18, 2002
I Feel Currently

So, apparently Adam, who I work with, has a crush on me. I should have guessed it considering he always flirts with me and always insists on hugging me. But today, as I was leaving, he was talking to Jimmy and I heard him say "Damn. Why does she have to be so cute?" My jaw almost fell on the floor. But the thing is.. I don't want to be "cute". I mean, I am an adult, please do not refer to me as "cute". Frankly that thought makes me want to puke. But he isn't the only one who describes me as "cute". That drives me insane. But I guess you will have to deal with it. The only problem is, Adam has a girlfriend. I will be damned if he cheats on her with me. Nope. Not happening. I am not like that and I never will be. *shrugs*

One more day until the dreaded camping trip. I should get a hold of Jada so I know what all I need and I also need to leave phone numbers for the loving parents because we have family in the hospital right now. I am not looking forward to this trip. I should be, but I am not. Oh well I will deal.

Holly came into work today. She looks like hell. Melinda got in trouble because she is 16 and they apparently lied to her parents, telling them that Holly's father would be joining them on this trip and that the guy Melinda is interested in wasn't going to be there. Well, Holly's father wasn't there, considering she is 19 and everyone else, other than Melinda's love interest, is over 18, and her love interest was there. How did all of this come out? The car accident. Interesting how my friends always get caught in their lies.

I am cleaning John and John's apartment tomorrow night after work. Yes, they are both named John. Why am I cleaning their apartment? Because I seem to party there often now and frankly it's disgusting. Well it's clean to guy standards, and they do try to keep it that way to suite my interests, and I give them credit for that, but it's not clean to a girl's standards. Girl's standards and guy's standards of clean are a hell of a lot different. It's like night and day. And well, this apartment is definitely night... oh yes it is. So I told them that I was coming over to clean tomorrow night. They looked at me strangely and I explained my reasoning. John M. offered to help me because he agreed with me. The place could use a bit of cleaning and so I am going to do it. Aren't I so nice? ::Thinks for a minute:: Why am I willing to throw myself into this nuclear waste? I should really rethink this but oh well. If I am orange tomorrow night, I will know why... gotta love friends who live in a nuclear waste haven.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew