Pissed Off Beyond Belief � 10.06.02
I Feel Currently

This has been one strange weekend but it's not even worth writing about right now. My roommate is trying to make me move out which isn't happening. She said that I have been disrespecting her, which isn't the case at all. I am the one who puts my headphones on when I want to listen to music, as opposed to her blasting hers. I go out of the room to talk on the phone. I give her her phone messages. She does none of this. She said that I shouldn't have opened the door last night and asked her to be quiet at 5am when she and a ton of people were making lots of noise in the hallway. I wasn't sarcastic about it, I was rather nice about it in fact. She is trying to say that she missed two of her classes because of me. The one time she wouldn't get up in the morning. The other time, she disappeared cause I had a friend over and told me she was going next door. I went over there to get her in the morning and she wasn't there. I didn't know where she was so I just went to class. I am not her mother. I shouldn't have to make sure that she goes to class. So today I told her I wasn't trying to start shit and she said she was. She unplugged my television and put hers back in and she unplugged my phone and put hers back in. The only reason we were using my stuff is because my television is bigger and my phone is a cordless. She also said that she was going to get her own fridge, but she can't because we can only have one in the room and I paid for mine (we are renting it from the school) and it's already contracted. They won't write out another contract for the same room if the fridge is in there. So I am going to the residence director tomorrow morning after my first class and talking to him. I am not moving out. I was assigned that room first. The only reason she is in this room is because my other roommate decided not to come to IUP. I've given this girl about a carton of cigarettes, I don't ask for them back. When she was sick I was nice and polite and was never in the room so she could rest, when her friends are over I don't disturb them. I don't bitch to her about anything she does and she pulls this shit? Then she also said that I tried to have sex with her brother last night and that is what is pissing me off. Her brother is far from attractive and I would never in my life even consider having sex with him. So he lied about that. I am just damn pissed. So this is my rant. I want her out tomorrow. More than anyone knows. I am not even going to sit here and write about how pissed off I am because words can't even describe how mad I am.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew