Romper Room � 10.23.02
I Feel Currently

So, once again someone is trashing me in my guestbook. I swear, that thing becomes more and more like Romper Room every day. Well here's the lovely entry I was graced with today.

entry 108
name: haha
email: haa
hahaha, u loser, u think people actually care about your life?? it IS amusement!!! think about it... your the biggest drama queen and its over the dumbest stuff, "ooooh i have 348 guys that want me and im having sex with them but my ex didn't read my diary... MY LIFE IS OVER!!!" my god GET A LIFE!!! UR IN COLLEGE...STEP AWAY FROM THE FREAKIN DIARY ALREADY!! NO ONE CARES!!! write it in a book like a NORMAL person...
date: 11:48 pm - Tuesday,October 22, 2002

Okay so first off, I've said it once and I will say it again. If you are going to trash me in my guestbook grow some balls and sign your damn name. Leave a real name or a real email that I can contact you at. And you know, I've realized if you hate me so much, a.) stop reading or b.) Instant message my ass. Look you don't even have to go into Communications to get it. My AOL IM name is MystOfTwillight. Now you can trash me to my face. Or at least person to person. Now, on with my response to your lovely entry. I feel that if you take the time to write a message to me, I should at least give you the courtesy of responding. *smiles sweetly* No, I do not have 348 guys that want me. I have considerably less thank you and no I am not upset that my ex doesn't read my diary because he does. And I don't have casual sex with people. That was a one time occurrence that isn't going to happen again ever. Now as for me getting a life, I have one thank you. Quite a busy one actually. Now, in response to you in general: First off, before you decide to go running your mouth in other people's guestbooks learn to use proper grammar. Spell checks and dictionaries are available via the internet, which you obviously have access to. Yes, I am in college. Look! I know how to spell! Hooked on Phonics definitely didn't work for you. And as for no one caring about my life? There are quite a few people who do thank you. You obviously think highly enough about yourself to think that people care what your opinion is, especially people who don't even know you. If you don't care about me, then stop reading my diary. It saves both of us time. Honestly, I don't understand why people get the crazy notion to bitch about how much they dislike a person in their guestbook and how they don't care, but it only shows that they have been reading for a while and have nothing else better to do. Oh and I am one in about a million people who keep a journal online, not just on diaryland. There are tons of servers that host journal sites just like this one so technically that would make me a normal person thank you. So with all of that said, I think that I have responded adequately to your guest book entry. I hope that makes you happy, you've gotten the attention you deserve. How cute. Just like a small child who screams bloody murder in a store so their mother will pay attention to them.

Now for something that actually has content. I got my ass reemed out by my sorority tonight and needless to say, I am not pleased at all. My pledge sisters all want to quit. And I think they are going to. I just talked to Nicole for about an hour and a half just spewing everything out that has been on my mind lately and it really has helped. I just needed to get all of that out for once. Too bad it took me so long to do it. I probably could have avoided a ton of problems not to mention decreased my chances of getting lung cancer at an early age. I also talked to Christin for a little while but that didn't really help that much. That wasn't her fault though. She was writing a paper and talking to me at the same time. Sometimes though, I just want to scream. I did get something productive done today though. Well, if you would call it productive. I started thinking about new layouts and I've gotten themes up until March and most of them already have images. I went through about 4,000 images today and I only found five that I wanted to use. But you'll have that. I was looking for specific things so that is probably why I didn't really find that many that I liked. Ack I just realized what time it is now (2am. Yes I have been writing for this long because I was on the phone and stuck in a million IMs for ever and I was writing a line every few minutes or so) and I really need to be getting some sleep. Sorry that this entry was nothing really more than a rant. I will write something that makes sense tomorrow when I am not sleep deprived and delerious. I have to be up at 8am. Fun stuff..

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew