The Sky is Falling � 01.21.03
I Feel Currently

The sky must be falling. I did all of my homework that is due tomorrow, plus caught myself up in Psychology because I was being lazy with the reading. I read three Psych chapters tonight, did a ton of French, and did all of my Career Exploration homework. I am looking out my dorm room window to see if I can find pieces of the sky on the ground. I did all of this plus went to all of my classes, went to two meetings, and took a three hour nap. Tomorrow I have to clean and redecorate my room, finish unpacking, go to four classes, do all of my homework that was assigned today and tomorrow, and what's that word I never use? Oh yeah.


Oh how nice that will be. I can achieve all of this tomorrow. I just have to get a decent amount of sleep tonight instead of this four hour bullshit that I have been pulling lately.


I talked to Tony briefly tonight when I got back from my meetings. He was supposed to call me back and then apparently went out. He came online and said that he just got in. He better intend on calling me back sometime tonight, preferably at a decent hour, because if he doesn't I am going to be severely annoyed. I hate when people do that! At least he could say that he isn't going to be able to call me back if he doesn't have the time. That would be the respectful thing to do. At least I know he is alive though. I used up all the minutes on my phone card in two days. It says there were supposed to be 451 minutes on it but that is virutally impossible since I used up about 25 if that. It went down 100 minutes each time I made a 40 second phone call with it. I was timing it, literally. So yeah I am pissed off. I am not buying another phone card from the bookstore again. At least at Giant Eagle they give you the amount of minutes that they promise. I am very annoyed to say the least.


I just walked downstairs to give Shaun a cigarette because I am such a sweetheart and I encountered a rather amusing adventure. The elevator had about seven guys in it who all were beligerantly drunk. One had blue hands and questioned me if I knew why he had blue hands. My first thought was that he just had someone's marker from their marker board explode on him but no, that definitely was not the answer. He told me that he fingered a smurf. I stifled a laugh and told him he has to be careful of those smurfs because they carry incurable, unidentifiable diseases. I was attempting to go to the first floor but they were going to the eighth floor so I had to spend a few moments with several drunken idiots. After I gave Shaun the cigarette a girl walked in with a window screen that was covered in snow, obviously from someone's dorm room window. Okay let me explain to you that it's almost impossible to remove these screens unless you damage it and actually rip the screen. This screen was completely intact. How on Earth she achieved getting her screen to fall out is beyond me and have half a mind to find her and ask her. It woud be a hell of a lot cooler in the spring if I could figure out how to remove my screen without damaging it. Yes it definitely would. But there are eight floors to this place and 52 residents on each floor so I doubt I will find this girl again. Oh well shit like that happens. I am going to go and be annoyed, waiting to see if Tony actually fulfills his promise, even if it is three hours late. (Note: It's taken me about an hour off and on to write this entry because of so many distractions.)

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew