Suicidal Fish and Pussies � 03.03.03
I Feel Currently

Today was just relaxing. I was glad that I was home. Holly and I first went to visit her father for like two and a half hours because I haven't seen him in a while and he is basically my father too (he even says that he loves me, how cute!). While Holly was in the bathroom I decided to play a game on her phone and accidentally dialed Adam's (my ex, not her boyfriend) cell phone number. I realized that I called someone but I didn't know who so I hung up the phone. Then he called back. He is the last person I wanted to talk to considering my certain revelation that I had the other day. So I talked to him until Holly got out of the bathroom, which seemed like an eternity. What was she doing in there? Passing a fucking stone? When she finally came back into the room I gave the phone to her and quickly told her what happened. She talked to him for a few minutes and then said we were leaving so she had to hang up the phone. Then we went to pick up Jenn to go to the mall. Holly needed to get an anniversary present for Adam. I just realized today that their anniversary is on the same day of the month as mine and Brian's. Creepy. So we spent about three hours in the mall and then went to PetSmart to return Jenn's fish because it committed suicide. We spent about an hour in there. Why is it that my friends have a need to spend several hours a day shopping? It's really rather annoying. After PetSmart we went all over God's creation trying to find Final Destination so I could watch it before I saw the second one. We finally found it at a Blockbuster in the boondocks of Claridge. They had one copy left. We went back to Holly's and watched it and it freaked me out royally. Then she brought me home and now I am sitting all alone in a quiet house and I am scared as shit. I hate watching scary movies and then having to come home to a house where everyone else is sleeping, especially since they are all very deep sleepers and I am paranoid of death to begin with. Wrong movie to watch when you are terrified of death. Definitely. I have a feeling that I am going to be up all damn night just because I am afraid to go to sleep. Damnit I hate being such a pussy.

Still not here - 03.23.04
Hiatus - 08.29.03
Personal Attraction Test - 08.12.03
Survey - 08.10.03
Entry Moved - 08.09.03

all content & design � Christine 2001; 2002; 2003 - 800x600 maximum screen georgia - image: � liquidshaneo - edited by: christine - thanks andrew